An quick and easy way to switch all sound volume levels to predefined positions.
Switch to Quiet with a single click on the home screen.
Change all sound to Silent without making any noises, and with just one tap.
Quick and easy way to change all phone sounds to Loud, without the need to go in Settings, or move sliders 1 by 1.
Toggle back to Normal levels of the sounds by a simple touch of the screen.
With this app you can witch predefined profiles with specified volume levels. You can change, delete, or add new sound profiles. Any profile can be activated from within the app or from widgets. Using 2 types of widgets on you home screen you can apply the profiles that you have set-up. Widget types:
- Single Profile (for example Silent) Click on this will always apply this profile
- Alternating Profiles - Toggle (rotate) for all your profiles in the order you have put them
The settings option give you the freedom to what sound should be changed, what should be visible in the app, what colors to be used for the widgets background and icon.
Small and simple but powerful app, that give you back the power over your device.
Using the widgets you can switch sound levels with just one click.
A tile in the pull-down menu from the action bar can mute all sound with a single click and from any app. All that you need to do is:
* Pull down the action bar (may need to pull down twice or scroll left/right)
* Tap on the edit icon
* Find the tile "Mute" (with description "Sound Profiles") - probably at the bottom of the tiles list
* Drag this tile in the active tiles section
After that when you pull down the tiles menu from the action bar - you will be able to mute all sounds with a single click and from within any application.